Please contact Pastor Trevor at or call 715-424-0800 x2012
If you would like more information about children's ministry
If you would like more information about children's ministry
Please contact Pastor Trevor at or call 715-424-0800 x2012
INterested in serving in Children's ministry?
We are interested in speaking with you! There are a couple different ways to serve - teacher, helper, child check-in desk, and welcome team. Each adult will be asked to fill out an application, agree to our Crossview Child Safety Policy, and receive a background check. You will receive the Child Safety Policy AND the background check in the form of an email after you complete the application. Click the image to be directed to the application. Thanks for your desire to serve our children!
What's going on for our kids?
We're so glad you asked! Check out the happenings below:
Summer 2023 - Special Schedule
nursery - birth to 2 year old
Sunday school - Pre-k through 5th grade
Nursery is offered at both of our services - 8:45am and 10:30am. Nursery kids can be dropped off at the Nursery 10 minutes prior to the start of service.
Sunday School is offered at our 10:30am service only. Each class learns the same lesson in fun and engaging ways for their age groups. 3K and 4K will be in the Children's Ministry wing next to the nursery. They can be dropped off there 10 minutes prior to the start of service.
Kids in the following grades can be checked in before service. They will sit with you in the Worship Center until they're dismissed at the start of announcements.
b.l.a.s.t. off kids (paused for the summer)
believe, learn and seek truth
B.L.A.S.T Off Kids is a twice a month program where kids (Pre-K to 5th grade) are invited to join us as we learn about the truth found in God's Word. They will also be able to take part in games, songs, classes and memorizing Bible verses. The class time is where kids get to learn new skills and hobbies i.e. sports, cooking, arts and crafts.
Join us the 2nd and 4th Weds of each month, from 5:45pm to 7pm!
vbs is coming - aug 7-10
Our theme this year is Keepers of the Kingdom: Standing Strong in Today's Battle for Truth. The battle today is not against flesh and blood but against the powers of the Light and the Dark Kingdoms. This year our knights will learn how to join God's Light Kingdom and how to wear the armor of God.
Click the VBS logo to go and sign your children up for VBS.
Crossview kids
Our Priority:
Teach children to Love God
...Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and most important command. The second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.
Matthew 22:37-38