Crossview Kids Classes

Our mission in Children's Ministry is to partner with parents to develop a child's understanding of the gospel and help foster their relationship with our Lord.  When parents and church unite it is far more impactful!  Our teachers are great shepherds who guide the children with patience, kindness, and understanding while reflecting the love of Christ!

All classes are provided on Sunday Mornings during both services.  Our classes are divided as follows:

  • Nursery

    Our Nursery provides a safe and nurturing enviornment where children will feel the love of Christ.  For consistency and relationship building we have two hired nursery workers who are invariably present every Sunday.  No outside snacks are allowed in this area but an age appropriate snack and water will be provided. Please wash your child's hands with the provided wipes prior to sending them in.  An attendant will assist you in dropping off and picking off your children, please remain behind the counter for the safety of the children!  

  • Preschool - 3k & 4k

    Children will engage in an interactive teaching and fun environment focused on three foundational truths: God created you, God loves you, and Jesus wants to be your friend!  Children should be enrolled in school and potty trained before moving up from Nursery to Preschool.  

    To see what we're learning, click on a month:

    March | April | May

  • Kindergarten & First Grade

    Children will engage in an interactive teaching and fun environment focused on three foundational truths: God created you, God loves you, and Jesus wants to be your friend. 

    To see what we're learning, click on a month:

    March | April | May

  • second and third grade

    Children will engage in an interactive teaching and fun environment focused on three foundational truths: I can trust God no matter what, I need to make the wise choice, and treat others the way I want to be treated.  We strive to provide an environment for children to deepen  their faith and learn to grow in relationship with God!

    To see what we're learning, click on a month:

    March | April | May

  • fourth and fifth Grade (Preteen)

    Children will engage in an interactive teaching and fun environment focused on three foundational truths: I can trust God no matter what, I need to make the wise choice, and treat others the way I want to be treated.  We strive to provide an environment for children to deepen their faith and learn to grow in relationship with God!

    To see what we're learning, click on a month: 

    March | April | May