• student ministries Pastor

    You can reach Cale Erickson via email

    or by calling 715-424-0800 x2010

Apex student ministry


Leading Teens in a Growing Relationship with Jesus Christ


Love God:

Apex's first purpose is to help students connect to Jesus and provide opportunities for every student to experience what it means to love God through conversation, musical worship, stories, Bible teaching and prayer. 

Love Others:

Apex's second purpose is to help students connect with each other and to an adult leader. We want every student to have an opportunity to experience what it means to be part of the body of Christ through small group discussions, communal worship, stories of success and failure, discipleship, evangelism and prayer. 

Step Out in Faith:

Apex's third purpose is to provide students opportunities to live out their faith in real and practical ways. We want to obey Jesus' command to be servants and go into all the nations proclaiming the gospel by starting locally and encouraging teens to follow Jesus daily.

  • Interested in serving in apex?

    Well, we're interested in talking with you! Each adult will be asked to fill out an application and background check. Click the image to be directed to the application. You will receive the background check in the form of an email after you complete the application. Thanks for your desire to serve our teenagers!

  • Weekly Parent Update email

    During the school year, Cale sends out weekly emails updating parents on the topics being covered as well as updates to any announcements regarding retreats, special events, or anything else Apex related. Click the image to request to be added to that email list.

What's happening in Apex

Click the picture for more information on each item.

  • Middle school

    Fall retreat

    Oct 7-9

    register by 9/28

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